by adminwai | Apr 5, 2022 | Health & Wellbeing, Mental Health
Research has found that true laughter releases endorphins. One effect of the release of this hormone is that it increases pain tolerance. One study had participants watch 15 minutes of a comedy show in a group. Their pain tolerance increased 10% more than...
by adminwai | Feb 6, 2022 | Health & Wellbeing, Mental Health
Mindfulness has been in the public domain for a number of years now; it is a practice that has been adopt in schools to assist students with exam nerves and pressure, as a form of self help to reduce anxiety, to assist in the reduction of chronic pain, mindful eating...
by | Apr 22, 2021 | Health & Wellbeing, Mental Health
Have you been finding it difficult to motivate yourself to get work done at home? Are you doing most of your work from your living room couch? We know it’s hard to keep upbeat with the current global situation, but we at USM have found that making small, achievable...
by | Apr 6, 2021 | Health & Wellbeing, Mental Health
Massage for Lockdown Blues: lax and loosen muscles sore from bad posture, leaving you feeling more relaxed and happier. During these uncertain times, it’s easy to neglect mental well-being. Remember, you’re not alone; there are people ready to help. If...